Green Lab 2018

Green Lab 2018  – 6 December 2018

The 2018 edition of Green Lab will show “Green” methods and solutions, both innovative and ready to use, for cultural heritage restoration.

The aim of the course is to give insight into use of these materials and methods by professionals, especially restorers, in order to:

  • observe the applicability, efficiency and effectiveness of the solutions presented;
  • discuss the advantages and limitations together with the developers.

As with the 2016 edition, the Green Lab derives from the results of the conference “Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage 2017”, which shared and communicated results produced by the research world on this topic.  This conference defined alternative materials and methods already available for use in restoration, which are characterized by low or no toxicity towards the environment and the operator.

Green Lab responds to the need that became clear on this occasion to have a practical workshop where participants have the opportunity to see, touch and understand the green solutions proposed.

The event is free and limited to 50 participants. Participants will be divided into 2 groups of 25 persons. The first group in the morning will follow the theoretical part while the second group will be involved in laboratory activity. In the afternoon, the two groups will switch.

The event is organized by YOCUCU (Youth in Conservation of Cultural Heritage) in collaboration with ICCROM, EneaICVBC-CNR and the University of Calabria.

For information and to register: (by 25 November 2018)

Please include in your message your name, surname, affiliation, email, telephone number, and principal professional field (stone materials, metals etc).

The course will be held in Italian.

Il programma Greenlab_2018_(formato PDF, eng)

(vedi pagina su sito ICCROM)
