Five Conservation Projects That Safeguarded Art in 2023 in the Getty Conservation Institute

Pubblicato sul sito del Getty Conservation Institute – Newsletter   By Erin Migdol   Dec 19, 2023

On any given day, you can find Getty’s art conservators wielding tiny brushes to sweep away dust from sculptures or using cotton balls to wipe yellowed varnish from paintings.

It’s all in the name of preserving the artist’s vision and ensuring their works of art can be enjoyed for years to come.

Getty’s conservators are always busy cleaning and repairing paintings, drawings, sculptures, decorative arts, and more, and 2023 was no exception. From a statue crafted in 500 BCE to a 13-foot bronze sculpture built in 1986, the art that passed through conservators’ hands this year got some much-deserved TLC.

Below are five projects we undertook to protect and conserve art in 2023.

(Continua la lettura, con la descrizione dei progetti sul sito del GCI )
